Today, everything in the home is moving towards being on the network. Appliances, sound systems, televisions, security systems, lighting, your heating and air conditioning controls, your iPad©, and many other devices need network connectivity to reach their full potential.

Are you watching TV shows from the Internet, or YouTube© videos, on your big screen TV? Did you know that with a few taps on your iPhone© you can stream Celtic music being broadcast from Ireland throughout your home? Home electronics have come a long way in the last few years but they all rely on network connections to the Internet to come to life.

Wireless or wired, networking in the home used to be a convenience, but is rapidly becoming a necessity. We have installed many residential systems where the integrated home network transparently works for even the technologically challenged. We make the hardware easy to use but very secure from the outside world. Some of our installations include:

There is so much hardware available now to create a personalized way to enjoy the vast library of entertainment that is available online and from various providers, and it is dramatically less expensive than it was just a few years ago.

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